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Unity Radio Cork

4.8 ( 528 ratings )
開発者 Ummer Aftab

Unity radio cork. Online based local radio station. Trying to bring all of what cork had to offer in one station. Join Unity and become 1 of our team

What We Stand For
Unity is an online radio station/music destination geared towards music and the night life scene. Also Unity aims to create and produce live video content of its own within Cork and starring Cork. this is no easy task, and with the talent out there and just for example Rory tec and Sarah-beth trying to bring something different to the night life in cork city. also generic people who are always bringing a new and fresh unique sound to any performance with live remixing with what I can say is a lot of hardware for two guys to master but they do it because they love it and truly master it. this is what the night scene in cork city is all about. and this is what Unity aims to bring to the public eye.
We are looking for people to get involved. do you create music? are you a producer? do you think you have something to offer? you would like to tell a story or give an interview on video? or are you happy with the way your going, uploading your mix or podcast, never live, no backing!! things are changing, pirate radio was once the medium for non commercial content. then we had the explosion of the internet and content was made readily available. I remember on pirate radio downloading 3 songs and it was taking hours even 6-8 for those songs to download. dial up. PURE FM had a long play it was 1 track on windows 95, Radio friendly had tape decks with auto switch from side A to B, we as the original KLUBFM had Dj Mac a system 9 Mac computer and Mac amp.
my point being is Pirate or non commercial radio is the only thing that doesn’t change, its the medium around it does.
theres a lot Cork has to offer. and its never on local and national radio to listen to. so Unity Aims to bring it to one place.